Dear editor,

          How would you feel if you had to miss school because teachers are striking? Great, right? Well, maybe not. In Chicago, teachers were striking for the following reasons: low pay, high health costs, they could be fired for anything, test scores will affect their salaries, classes are huge, and the building conditions are bad. I was against the striking because a child's education is more important than recieving a high salary. Also, I feel like they were asking for too much.
          A teacher should have a passion for teaching. Since it is a career, in my opinion, they would do it without asking for a raise. Yes, there is never enough money it seems, but when a kid is out of school and not learning, that's a bigger issue. There were children at home and parents trying to figure out what to do. Parents were taking off work to watch their kids, when they should have been earning their own salary to support them. The parents did complain, but they couldn't really do anything else but watch their children. Since the teachers were not teaching their students, they got behind on about two weeks of material. Just think about how behind the students are going to be now. Of course, they will catch up eventually, but I find it so unfair. A child's education and their opportunities to learn to the best of their ability is more fundamental than a raise to a teacher's salary.
          The teachers shouldn't have been complaining about their salaries. There are people in other fields that have some of the same issues. I think it selfish of the teachers. I do understand that they wanted their point to get across, but I feel like their salary is decent. If a teacher has a spouse with a salary, that adds to their money they need and use. Even if a teacher does not have another person, I think that they should be content with the amount of money they are earning.
           Of course, the Chicago teachers had their legitiment reasons to strike but a student's learning is more important and they seemed selfish to me. When you take a student's opportunity to learn, even for a short while, it really does affect them. Now, teachers have to squish all the material so the children can catch up and try to understand it. The teachers were selfish because there are many people who have a lower salary than them but don't strike. I know that everything in Chicago is more expensive than things are in Atlanta, but their salary is decent. I did understand why the teachers did what they did, but I was against the Chicago strike for those reasons and I'm glad that it is over now. Students can start going back to school and hopefully, the teachers were heard.

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